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CHEM 403 Senior Seminar

Best bets for article searching

Chemistry Senior Seminar 2022 link to: UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals

1 no poverty 2 zero hunger 3 good health and well-being 4 quality education 5 gender equality 6 clean water and sanitation
7 affordable and clean energy 8 decent work and economic growth 9 industry, innovation and infrastructure 10 reduced inequalities 11 sustainable cities and communities 12 responsible consumption and production
13 climate action 14 life below water 15 life on land 16 peace, justice and strong institutions 17 partnerships for the goals  

Research funding is often dependent on government initiatives. As you research your chemical topic, think about how your chemical research idea might fit into the broad categories outlined in the UN goals above. 

Search: "Goal" AND chem* AND (an area of Chemistry: Analytical, Biochemistry, Inorganic, Neurochemistry, Organic, Physical chemistry)
Search: "Goal" AND chem* AND (specific chemistry terms: testing apparatus, docking, optimization problem...)
Search: "Goal" AND chem* AND (specific terms: biochar, carbon dioxide, environmental impact, fracking, fossil fuels, geohazards, greenhouse gases, hydrogeological...)

Try searches in the resources below. What do you find?

Use a combination of these resources in your research.

Example: I used PubChem to find an article with full-text. After downloading the PDF to my computer I dragged it into the JSTOR Text Analyzer for more terms to search: incubation, meta analysis, carbon sequestration, pyrolysis.  I used WorldCat Discovery to create this citation in ACS style. 

Leng, L.; Xu, X.; Wei, L.; Fan, L.; Huang, H.; Li, J.; Lu, Q.; Li, J.; Zhou, W. Biochar Stability Assessment by Incubation and Modelling: Methods, Drawbacks and Recommendations. Science of the Total Environment 2019, 664, 11–23 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.01.298.

Exercise: Find a research article in Chemistry, Download the PDF and save to your computer. Create a citation for this article using WorldCat Discovery. Read/skim the article to find more terms or try the JSTOR Text Analyzer. Write down three terms you find. Try the new terms in a search. Do the results relate to your topic? Is the article you found a research article?