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BIO 222 Genetics and Molecular Biology

What is Mendeley?

Mendeley reference manager can help you organize your research, collaborate with others online, and discover the latest research.

Use Mendeley to:

  • Automatically generate bibliographies
  • Collaborate easily with other researchers online
  • Easily import papers from other research software
  • Find relevant papers based on what you’re reading
  • Access your papers from anywhere online

Use Mendeley Reference Manager on the device you use most often; log in to Mendeley Web from any other device with internet access and sync your work to your account!

Mendeley Basics

Step 1: Install Mendeley Desktop

Download and install Mendeley from the Mendeley website. 

(There's a different version for each operating system: Windows, Mac or Linux.)

Step 2: Create Mendeley Account

You will need to create an account to use Mendeley Desktop. You will have to register with an email and create a password. 

Step 3: Install Mendeley Cite

Download and install Mendeley Cite from the Mendeley website. 

Add Citation from Library Database

  1. Search the library database and select an article to add to your Desktop library. 
  2. Find how to export the citation. (This will vary by database. Contact the Carl B. librarians if you need help)
  3. Select the option to export as RIS.
    1. RIS file should save to your computer.
  4. Drag and drop RIS file into the Mendeley Reference Manager window.

Drag and Drop Files

  1. Find a PDF you want to add to your Mendeley Reference Manager library that is saved on your computer.
  2. Drag and drop the PDF into the Mendeley Reference Manager window.
  3. Mendeley will extract information from the document and create a library entry.

Manual Entry

  1. Select "File" in the menu bar.
  2. Select "Add Entry Manually."
  3. In the pop-up window, select the type of document you want to add. It defaults to "Journal Article."
  4. Add the information for your document.