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How to access library resources while studying off campus

Library resources for Students, Faculty, and Staff of Concordia College

The Research Process

For quick DIY tutorials on how to do research, how to use tools in specific databases and EBooks, writing a research question, and avoiding plagiarism, check out the Carl B.'s DIY Library. 

Access Databases

1. Always start at the Library Homepage when you access databases from off campus. If you go directly to the database you will not be recognized as a Concordia user and may be asked to purchase articles. 

2. Search using "Databases by Subject/Major," or look on our A-Z List of Databases.

3. Click on the Database you want to access. You will be asked to login with your Concordia username and password

Save Articles

Always use a permalink if you want to save an article for later. Permalinks will look different in each database. Here are several examples: 

Ebsco permalink

Ebsco permalink 

Ebook Central permalink

Ebook Central permalink

ProQuest permalink

ProQuest permalink

Download Articles

If you are not sure how you will access the internet while off campus, the safest option is to download articles directly to your laptop, tablet, or smartphone before you leave campus. This will allow you to access articles offline. This includes pre-arranged readings your professor has made available on Moodle.

Save PDF or HTML copies of articles directly to your chosen device.