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GS 118: Culture, Identity, & Dialogue, An Intro. to Global Studies (Prangerr)


WorldCat Discovery Services LogoUsing the Carl B.'s WorldCat Discovery library catalog gives you access to many, many resources available in our library and other libraries all over the world.  Concordia's WorldCat Discovery tool includes periodical articles of many types, print books, eBooks, book chapters, theses, dissertations, microforms, manuscripts, archival material, videos, and more - so, it's a LOT.  Sometimes searching here can feel a bit overwhelming.

One way to make your searches more manageable is to first consider exactly what type/format of information you need to locate and then apply certain limits to your searches.  Since the Carl B. provides access to a vast number of periodical articles (magazines, newspapers, and journals) via specific disciplinary and other indexes, consider using an Advanced Search and limiting some of the work you do in WorldCat Discovery to books only.  This allows you to find both print and electronic books.

  1. Use the Advanced Search.
  2.  Scroll down the screen a little and check the "Hide duplicates" radio button.
  3. Use the drop-down menu to limit your format to "Book."
  4. Always start by limiting your "Held by Library" to Concordia College - Moorhead.

If you don't find what you need in the Carl B., it is easy to expand your search to other places.  But starting your research in this library where you can immediately consider the materials you identify is much less frustrating than having to scroll through pages and pages of things you may not be able to use. 

There are two main ways that you can identify individual chapters out of books related to your topic.

  1. Do your searches in the Carl B.'s Ebook Central collection.  Your results will automatically display in relation to how they appear in both an entire book, as well as individual book chapters.

  2. As you search in the library's online catalog, eBooks from various publishers will be included in searches limited to "Books."  Once you identify an interesting title and open it, simply check out the eBook's "Contents" page(s) near the front of each book.  This allows you to quickly identify whether or not you need to read the entire book, or mainly focus on a single chapter or two.