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Introduction to eBooks

This guide includes links to the Carl B.'s eBook collections and answers to eBook frequently asked questions.

eBook Tips for Faculty

Are you using library eBooks in your classes?  If so, here’s what you need to know about eBook licenses so students can access them when they need to:

Many, but not all, of our eBooks are licensed for unlimited users.  Below are some common license types.

  • Unlimited User License--An unlimited number of people can use the eBook at once.
  • One or Three User License--These licenses work like print books.  One user can use each copy we have access to at a time. 

If users choose to read a one or three license eBook online rather than download it, more users are able to access the eBook more quickly since the book becomes available again as soon as the window/tab it has been opened in is closed.  When users download the book, they have access to it for a longer period of time whether they are actively using it or not.

What can you do to ensure your students can access the eBooks you assign for class?

  1. Use unlimited access eBooks in your classes when possible. See the "How can I find eBooks with unlimited licenses?" section of the "Frequently Asked Questions" page if you aren't sure how to find eBooks with unlimited access.
  2. If an eBook with unlimited users isn’t available:
    1. Encourage students to read the eBook online when they are able to and close it when they aren’t using it so others can access it. 
    2. Encourage students to download the chapter(s) they need rather than the whole book if the eBook platform allows them to.  Students will need to return the whole book once it is due, but they do not need to return downloaded PDF chapters.  Downloading chapters does not make the eBook unavailable to others. 
    3. If students need to download the whole book, ask them to return it once they are done if they finish using it before the due date.  If the student does not return the eBook before the due date, the eBook will return itself once it is due.
    4. Let students know about the assigned reading in advance so they can plan accordingly and read it ahead of time if possible rather than waiting until the night before the reading is due when there will likely be more demand for the eBook.