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World Language Instruction Masters Program

Library resources to support courses in the Master of Education in World Language Instruction program

Help Guides

You have lots of support from the library as you pursue your studies in online classes at Concordia. To get details about using Inter-Library Loan (there is no fee for this service!), about saving or linking to database articles, or about finding Course Reserves, please consult our

Off Campus Study Resources Guide

To review some of the basics of research, writing research papers, and citations, check out our

DIY Library: How-to Tutorials

If you are having trouble connecting to library databases from home the problem might be because of your internet connection, your computer, the campus network, or the specific database.  Here is a handy troubleshooting guide to help solve the problem:

How to Troubleshoot Electronic Resources


Personalized Help

If you can't fix the problem yourself, don't despair!  Here are some folks you can contact:

Laurie Probst (lprobst@cord.edu) -- your liaison librarian

The library reference desk - askccref@cord.edu OR try the chat service (available M-F, 8:30 am-1:00 pm during the summer) by clicking on the maroon tab at the bottom of the library home page.

ITS Solutions Center (particularly for help diagnosing problems with your computer or your network connections) - pcsupport@cord.edu

Research Log

Use a Research Log to keep track of the work you have done, the databases you have used, the search terms you have tried, and the successes you have had. This log will help you stay organized with your work and, if you experience a problem in searching, you will be able to describe that problem to a librarian or to IT.